This course is offered to our Intro/Basic Sailing Members and any interest Club Members
Course Description – Fundamentals of Sailing
This 18-hour course is designed for those who want a thorough introduction to the exciting sport of sailing. We follow the US Sailing Curriculum but only grant Brooklyn Basic Sailing Certification. Graduates will have a good understanding of all the basics and with additional practice will become competent crew members.
- Fundamental sailing terms
- Practice fundamental knots
- Being part of the crew
- Rigging the boat
- Finding the wind direction
- Setting sails
- Sail trim for various points of sail
- Tacking & gybing, heaving-to
- Overboard recovery techniques
- Basic right of way and navigation rules
- Preparing and returning to a dock
- De-rigging and cleaning up the boat
Instructional time: 12.0 hours practical + 6.0 hours of shore briefings
Pre-requisites: No prior sailing experience required, high interest in learning to how
Certifications: Brooklyn Bridge Sail Club Certification
Textbook: Basic Keelboat Sailing, 4th Edition, US Sailing (we supply)